Finlandia vodka bottle Easter Egg - Finlandia Swastika

Look at the bottom of a Finlandia Vodka bottle (any size), and clearly witness that the bottle's bottom is especially cutted to match the shape of a Swastika.

User Rating:
  7.8/10 with 6 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 12-02-2006
Reviewed By: DomFeargrieve, dicai
Special Requirements: Finlandia vodka bottle
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Rhythmwiz writes:
The bottle of Finlandia vodka bottles does indeed have a Swastika, but please don't think it has anything to do with Nazis. The swastika is an ancient mystical symbol, associated with many religions, notably Hinduism and Buddhism - it was appropriated by the National Socialist party of Germany in the first half of the 20th century and this is why it generally has negative connotations, particularly to Westerners. The reason it is on the bottle of this Finnish vodka is because it is associated with the Finnish Civil War and the Finnish Airforce: "The blue swastika was the symbol of good fortune used by the Swedish Count Eric von Rosen who during the Finnish Civil War presented to the Finnish White Army its first aircraft on March 6th, 1918." (from
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