SpongeBob Squarepants Easter Egg - Dirty Bubble Challenge

When Spongebob takes the Dirty buble challenge, look closely at the box. The nickelodeon logo is on it!

User Rating:
  8.6/10 with 10 votes
Contributed By: Moonwalker on 08-23-2006
Reviewed By: racedogg2, Silent_Assassin
Special Requirements: a Tv and cable
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jaber writes:
Just so you know the logo isnt the orange splat that says "Nick", its a written out phrase/sentance tha says "Nickolodeon, inc". Also its at the bottom.
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Eh. Did it say "Nickelodeon, Inc." or did it have the logo? I have seen the "Nickelodeon Inc." but if you saw the splat, try seeing if it was just the icon of the channel in the corner.
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