Tony Hawk's American Wasteland Easter Egg - Secret Bail References

First, go to the Vans skatepark level. Enter the elevator that takes you to the small lounge, and hop onto the big tarp that has the Alva logo. A little to your left, you will see a steel girder going downwards at an angle. You can't grind it, so you must ollie over to it and get off your board in mid-air to land on it. This is very difficult, but if you keep trying from different angles and get off your board right, you will land on it. Now, VERY CAREFULLY, begin to turn and walk UP the girder. At the very top of it, there is another, short vertical girder that connects to the roof. Use the wall run to run up this one. You will run through the roof, and be warped back to the giant pool area with a message on your screen. Instead of the normal messages you get from landing in water or another dangerous area, you get different, secret messages. These are all references to and one of it's cartoons, "Teen Girl Squad".

Another of these messages are too long to read before they go away, but I think it is the string of skateboard tricks that a skateboarder did in one of the Teen Girl Squad episodes. (which seems kind of relevant in a skateboarding game)

User Rating:
  9.1/10 with 17 votes
Contributed By: Spencer on 08-22-2006
Reviewed By: racedogg2, Silent_Assassin
Special Requirements: A copy of Tony Hawk's American Wasteland, the Vans Park level
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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