Daredevil Easter Egg - Jack Kirby Reference, "Modern Mortician" Inside Joke

In the movie "Daredevil" there is a scene where the reporter, Ben Urich, meets with a mortician ,Jack Kirby. The fact that they say his name is Kirby is in its self an easter egg but the fun doesn't stop there. Right at the begining of the scene before you see Kirby's face you get a look at what is on his computer screen. He is on a site called "Modern Mortician" and he is posting a comment saying "I'll drop you like a three year old corpse's testicles". He types another sentence but I couldn't see it.

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  5.0/10 with 2 votes
Contributed By: yourmama on 10-03-2006
Reviewed By: David Wolf, Silent_Assassin
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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