Super Mario 64 Easter Egg - Black Room of Death

Note: This is actually a glitch, but it is very much like an egg.

Get all 120 stars so that the cannon is unlocked. Next, use it to blast up to the roof. Get the Wing Cap and get back down to the cannon before it runs out. Now shoot to the highest floor area on the castle castle. Then, walk to the front of the castle without falling off. You can walk up the wall of the tower here, do so. Once you get up to the highest window or so, you will fall through to the inside of the tower and land in a black room on the other side of the front door. You will get hurt, so try to have full health for this. You are now in the black room of death.

To get out, first walk through the door from the side you are on. Next, simply walk through the wall on the side of the door.

User Rating:
  4.9/10 with 14 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 08-22-2006
Reviewed By: racedogg2, Silent_Assassin
Special Requirements: A TV, a Nintendo 64, and a copy of Super Mario 64...OR...a computer, project 64 1.6, and a Super Mario 64 rom
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

outside the castle first person view of the outside part of the castle inside the castle
outside the castle first person view of the outside part of the castle inside the castle
and the first person view from inside the room you can't leave
and the first person view from inside the room you can't leave

Do you have another one? Send us a picture or video of this Egg!


eugene2x writes:
It is a glitch you idiot.
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doihaveto? writes:
Yeah, search for "wdell" (without quotes) and you will see "Super Mario 64: Beyond 120 Stars". Go into the "Outside the Castle" category, and you'll see an article entitled "Dark World", explaining how to get there and why it's there, mentioning it to be "one of the most famous GLITCHES in the game" (quote Walton Dell, the site's owner. Eat my intelligent-sounding-yet-pretty-much-pointless text!
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trae writes:
also when you first enter the castle if you go into the middle of the sun rug on the floor... go into first person mode and look straight up without moving you will appear at a level where you can fly around and get a bunch of coins HAPPY HUNTING!!!
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For those interested (that don't know the secret), if you do the black room of death with full health, so you happen to live falling through the black room of death, there is a way out of the black room of death without having to restart the game When on the inside portion of the black room of death, you can actually walk through the wall to escape
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