Small Soldiers Easter Egg - Reference to Gremlins

1. The password is "Gizmo" which was also the name of the little Mogwai in "Gremlins".

2. A puppet of Gizmo can be found in the container behind the toy store.

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  4.8/10 with 24 votes
Contributed By: Darkwing on 12-09-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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pp writes:
I have seen the movie "Small Soldiers" only once, but I collect everything from the two Gremlin movies. So I think there are more Egg`s: # A person in the movie also drives a VW-beetle like the character Billy did in "Gremlins". # The person who plays Mr. Futterman in the two Gremlin movies also appears in this movie.
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boydegg writes:
The whole movie 'small soldiers' is one big rip-off of Gremlins. It's virtually the same idea but replacing dangerous little monsters with dangerous little soldiers.
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MorPH writes:
Well, there you go. Boydegg has given us the answer. They didn't want to TOTALLY rip it off, so they put some Gremlin easter eggs in. Kind of a nod to the Gremlin films, if you know what I mean.
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