Reboot Easter Egg - Evil Dead

In the Reboot episode where Enzo is the guardian and they go to a FPS like game, the character they are fighting is a modified version of Ashly J. Williams, A.K.A. Ash from the Evil Dead series, the best horror series EVER!

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  7.0/10 with 43 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 12-08-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The Episode
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Also, Dot Matrix (for any idiots out there, it's Enzo's sister) is dressed up as Elvira for that game.
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Darth_gonzo writes:
Also, Enzo looks like Micheal Jackson did in his 80's music video, Zombie! (I think that's what It's called) Enzo also perform's the Moonwalk in one scene.
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Freezy writes:
Actually, it was "Thriller", which is currently tied for the world's longest music video at 17 minutes. Obviously, either Enzo hacked the game to do that, had good luck and get his favorite guy's outfit, or both.
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DJPowerPup writes:
Most of the characters, including the ever popular Ash (who also has his own show now called "Jack of All Trades") return in the episode where things in Mainframe go haywire. I can't remember off hand what caused it, but It was still pretty cool.
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Velnich writes:
Let's clear things up. To be more specific about the episode, I believe that it was the first of the third season? The season right after Bob is sent out into the web by megabyte. Recently dubbed guardian, Enzo goes into a game with his sister Dot to win it and stop that sector from being nullified. The game is like a Evil Dead version of Duke Nukem. The "user" has to collect all the pages of the Necronomicon (I forget what they call it in that episode), and it is up to Enzo and his buddies to stop the user. This episode does a good job of copying the cabin including the Deer's head the moving lamp the tape recorder, piano, the basement trap door which the user falls into and dies thus loosing. They even include the "Dead before dawn" and "Groovy" quotes along with the user's chain saw arm and shotgun. Good Episode.
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CRaveneau writes:
I don't really think that this is an egg for anyone over the age of 8. They are all OBVIOUS references.
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Mongo(Logan) writes:
Actually, a good egg would be the fact that(at least it sounded like it), the Ash character had the Bruce Cambell's voice. "Groovy!"
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Karasu writes:
OK this is for the first comment made. Duke Nukem took the Groovy Gimme some sugar baby, and Hail to the King lines from Evil Dead
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