Grey's Anatomy Season One Easter Egg - Ipecac

On the second disc of Grey's Anatomy Season One, under the "Bonus Features" menu, there is a hidden red plus sign that can be highlighted above where it says "Bonus Features." To select it, first highlight the "Main Menu" option under "Bonus Features" and then press the up button. This extra bonus clip is about a prop that appears in every episode of Grey's Anatomy and the story behind its use.

User Rating:
  7.4/10 with 17 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 05-08-2006
Reviewed By: David Wolf, MorPH
Special Requirements: Grey's Anatomy Season One DVD
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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i've just tried to use this easter egg but can't find it, is it on certain D V Ds or could it be the D V D player
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