Soul callibur 3 Easter Egg - The Letters Are Flying

When you are choosing the name for a created character, you can press either x,o,square, or triangle to select the letter, but they will do different things to show you that you selected it. Now comes the fun part. If you press all four buttons at the same time, the letter will actually fly off of the place it was in, but never fear, because it goes back in a second after it hits the bottom of the screen. I thought that this was kind of funny.

User Rating:
  5.3/10 with 6 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 03-16-2006
Reviewed By: Axel, MorPH
Special Requirements: none
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after pressing x,o square and triangle you can press them again at the same time to hit the letter about the screen. it fun trying to play keepy uppy with the letters.
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