That's So Raven Easter Egg - Cussing Cook

In the episode where tonya (raven and coreys mom) is in England for work, Victor,(raven and corys dad) tells corey to help out and cook for the family. corey sneaks behind his dads back and hires a chef to cook for him. when victor finds out about this and confronts the hired chef, victor cant beleive he didnt suspect corey would do this and then the chef says, "well then you must be a real dunkoff" and victor says "ya" Well in German the word "dunkoff" (doon-cough) means dumb a** I learned this in foreign language and i noticed this when i was watching the show.

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  9.0/10 with 3 votes
Contributed By: lil cj on 03-16-2006
Reviewed By: Axel, MorPH
Special Requirements: eyes
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bobafett12 writes:
it means fancying off, dunkoff
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