Fairly Oddparents, The Easter Egg - Sandy

In the episode where Timmy goes to Atlantis, at the part where Timmy is trying to convince the King that Cosmo made Atlantis better by sinking it, listen. Eventually, the King will say "We also eat fish. And the occasional underwater squirrel." How many underwater squirrels have you ever heard of? Sandy from Spongebob!

User Rating:
  8.3/10 with 12 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 03-16-2006
Reviewed By: Axel, MorPH
Special Requirements: T.V.
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J writes:
yep the tail he burps is from sandy or Sandra as that's her real name revealed in 1 episode
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koira writes:
.... But, in spanish the squirrel's name from Spongebob is not "Sandra", is "Arenita".
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Colomboarg writes:
This reminds me that Sandy got her tail lost on the stomach of a worm on a Sponge Bob episode. Does everyone on the sea likes squirrel tail flavor?
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