It's goin down (X-ecutioners feat. Linkin Park) Easter Egg - Buy it now!

Fast forward to 2:40 and listen VERY closely. At 2:42 in the song, you'll hear a voice quite clearly say 'Built from scratch, out in stores soon'. Built from scratch is the album that this song is on.

User Rating:
  5.3/10 with 3 votes
Contributed By: MorPH on 03-16-2006
Reviewed By: Axel, MorPH
Special Requirements: The song
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Vinpire writes:
That's odd because my retail CD doesn't have this voice anywhere in the track! However, i know for a fact that before this album was released in stores there were some MP3s floating around the internet which were made from the pre-release review copy of the CD. Sure enough the version of "It's Goin' Down" on that CD has the audible phrase "Yo, This is for press only. Introducing Built From Scratch, Album In Stores Soon" tagged over it to put people off pirating it. Guess it didn't work huh because that's the version you ended up with lol
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MorPH writes:
Thats right :) Doesnt make a difference really. Thanks for the info Vinpire! Enjoy!
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