Serenity Easter Egg - Fruity Oaty Bars

From the main menu highlight play, but don't select it. Press the left arrow. A background icon on the right will light up. Press Enter on that icon and you will be treated to a special behind the scenes featurette on the making of the Fruity Oaty Bars commercial that "triggered" River into her first fight scene. Enjoy it. You will be singing the song for weeks.


User Rating:
  9.2/10 with 86 votes
Contributed By: Wiggin on 03-15-2006
Reviewed By: Axel, MorPH
Special Requirements: Serenity DVD Released on December 20th
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Heres what you hilight for Serenity Easter Egg
Fruity Oaty Bars video Heres what you hilight for Serenity Easter Egg

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Draconian writes:
Absolutely right. Hilarious Easter Egg. We can expect that over the centuries, commercials get more and more bizarre just to make people pay attention, unlike the 50's where some man off to the side of the main show talked quietly about the merits of oatmeal or something.
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3ggm0nk3y writes:
How do you hillite it?
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