Star Wars: Battlefront II Easter Egg - Vader's Presence

Go into any area of the game that lets you play on Dagobah, then go to the 2nd command post which is underground. When you get inside listen carefully and you will hear Darth Vader breathing.
This is where in Episode 5 of Star Wars the Movie that Luke Skywalker fights the image of Darth Vader.

User Rating:
  6.8/10 with 26 votes
Contributed By: necrodomine on 03-09-2006
Reviewed By: Axel, MorPH
Special Requirements: Star Wars: Battlefront II
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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I noticed that too, and I think your right, probably is because of when Luke fights the DV Image
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egg_dude writes:
I noticed that too. I was playing it on my psp and I heard Darth Vader, but I couldn't find him. Thanks for posting that, I just thought I was going crazy.
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Jake_Davis writes:
Note that it also works in PS2 version.
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Maybe, just maybe your right. But i don't think so. The place where Luke jumped down into to defeat vader wasn't a tunnel. It was a cave he had to jump down in, not walk. Also it was a cave, there was no other exit. So while it may be loosley based on that scene, I doubt it is from the scene.
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Moonwalker writes:
It works with xbox too
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Zanda Rag writes:
This egg got a 5.7? (At least that's what is was when I posted this.) When I first walked into that tunnel, I thought, "hmmm, I hear Vader-breathing. It must be a reference to that part in the movie." Post something less obvious.
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Mr.Sand writes:
Some egg it is obvious. I have realized that the first time was playing and how is it even an egg it does not have anything to do with a secret or developer easter egg
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