Lego StarWars Easter Egg - Party on Kamino!

OK I personally think that this is pretty cool (dunno if it counts as an egg though).

1.In Episode II, after you see the clones marching, go down the hallway with the tall alien waiting at the other end.
2.Instead of going into the room he is standing by, go past him into the door on the left.
3.In this room, you should see 2 aliens at a computer and 2 white circles on the floor.
4.Step on 1, and R4 (the droid) will step on the other, making them green.
5.2 more will appear. Do the same.
6.Keep doing this till all circles are green.
7.SURPRISE! Enjoy the party! ;)
(Notice the music is a funky version of the Star Wars Tune)

User Rating:
  4.8/10 with 13 votes
Contributed By: MorPH on 03-09-2006
Reviewed By: Axel, MorPH
Special Requirements: PS2, the game
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Darkelven writes:
Well thats acctually a part of the game.
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brainiac1234 writes:
If you havent already noticed this "egg" is already here. Try checking next time,itz actually not as hard as you think it is.
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MorPH writes:
Tell you what brainiac1234. Shove it. At least I ACTUALLY CONTRIBUTE TO THE SITE. I've got enough for both of us.
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