Star Wars Battlefront II Easter Egg - The Ultimate Deathmatch

Go to singleplayer and then instant action. Press "Add" then scroll down the list and select "Mos Eisley." For the game type, you should see a new game type called "Assault." Select this and a special deathmatch game will begin where you choose your side (heroes or villians) and fight as ANY hero, for AS LONG as you want, and ALL YOUR ENEMIES are heroes. This makes room for lightsaber duels between Jedi!

There are also new joke lines said by the characters and funny music (like the Max Rebo Band) during battle.

NOTE: This might even work in multiplayer, I'm not sure. I've only tried it in singleplayer but I bet it will work in multiplayer.

User Rating:
  2.2/10 with 67 votes
Contributed By: MasterWatusi888 on 02-20-2006
Reviewed By: Gamer Sly-Ratchet, Loginer
Special Requirements: a copy of the PS2 version
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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BIG D writes:
dude nice find!
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Wow! Yes, it does work in multiplayer because I played it with my friend! Try force choking Yoda for a laugh...
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Actually, this isn't an egg. The description at the bottom of the screen when you choose the mode says exactly what it is.
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Forsuer writes:
I am not sure that this is a "find". I pretty sure that it is not a "secret" because it is quite obvious. All you have to do is click assault, and as stated earlier, the tip tells you that that is what the map does.
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flyngterd writes:
This is not an easter egg, this is talked about in the manual, was announced before the game came out and with the xbox expansion pack or PC conversion pack mod, it can be found on other maps.
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shorty writes:
there is an added feature on this map and game-style though, if you order another hero to follow you, they will, meaning if you run into someone you can have up to four other heroes backing you up! It's really fun if you have Bobba Fett, Jango Fett, Darth Vader and the Emperor, and you are Darth Maul, it's almost unstoppable!!! I ran round the corner once, and there were 3 heroes, and 5 seconds later they were all dead.
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The Evil Pig writes:
That's the worst find ever! It says that in the manual!
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