Fairly Oddparents, The Easter Egg - FOP Goes Back to the Future

In various fairly oddparents episodes, they make references to back to the future.

For example, in the episode The Secret Origins of Denzel Crocker you are presented with the famous time machine leaving to the future right as Timmy comes into the '80s in front of crockers school.

Also in the episode Moving Day, Timmy recieves a new scooter. as he revvs it up you can clearly see the flux capacitor powering up, which was famous for giving the Delorean its power to travel through time.

Happy Huntin!

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  3.4/10 with 9 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 02-20-2006
Reviewed By: Gamer Sly-Ratchet, Loginer
Special Requirements: TV
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That's not an egg so much as homage. There's a lot of examples of this for FOP, SpongeBob, Jimmy Neutron, and Danny Phantom. It's one of the many ways the shows seek to appeal to adults.
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dw1zzle writes:
also, on the episode Mr.Right, Timmy runs past a Cafe called Biff's Cafe. In all three B.t.t.f. movies, Marty meets Biff (or his relatives) in a cafe or restaurant.
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