Smallville Easter Egg - Yet Another THX-1138 Reference

In the episode where Lana pledges a sorority of vampires, Clark has a talk with his professor, played by James Marsters, about what's happened to her. (Yes, I know, ha-ha, it's very funny, James Marsters of all people saying that there are no vampires, but that's not the egg.) Marstairs tells Clark about a Luthercorp project designated Project 1138, a reference to the George Lucas movie THX-1138.

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  4.6/10 with 7 votes
Contributed By: coleman100 on 02-13-2006
Reviewed By: David Wolf
Special Requirements: Watch the show
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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maxx4444177 writes:
I think that 1138 is also the password that Lex uses to open the briefcase with the antidote in it. I might be wrong but I also think that there was another reference in the episode when Clark's mother gets sick and he needs another meteorite or something like that.
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