That's So Raven Easter Egg - Cory's Guilt-Ridden Egg

In the episode where Cory shoplifts the squeezy monkey toy, after he takes it, the next morning he comes downstairs to breakfast, and Tonya (his mom) is studying for a law school test. She says that a specific case she's studying is called Brookwell vs. McNamara, and it regards stealing. Brookwell and McNamara are the production team responsible for the production of That's So Raven.

User Rating:
  2.2/10 with 23 votes
Contributed By: Jennie714 on 10-22-2005
Reviewed By: Axel, Gamer Sly-Ratchet
Special Requirements: tv
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WWEfan writes:
There is also one episode were cory finds a dog. In the scene were hes showing victor the trick he showed the dog (guessing the right ammount of money), at the end of the scene you hear the dog trainer say beautiful very faintly
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brookwell and McNamara also produced Hilary Duff's 2004 Movie Raise Your Voice While McNamara Is The Director Of The Same Movie.
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