Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage (for PlayStation) Easter Egg - An Army of Darkness Fan in Our Midst?

In the winter tundra world there is a level called the "Flying Towers" or something like that. To go through the level you must kill the wizards and give their wands back to their rightful owners in order to progress through the level. Once you reach the end and recieve the orb, the portal will open. Now here`s the egg. Talk to the wizard again and he`ll tel you "In order to get back to your own world, you must hold the orb close and recite these words" The words he uses are "Klatu Verata Niktu" In Army Of darkness, Ash is to speak the same words in order to retrieve the necrinomicon (Book Of The Dead) and get back to his time/world. Much like the knucklheaded Ash, The wizard screws up on the last word.

User Rating:
  2.5/10 with 13 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 09-19-2005
Reviewed By: Axel, Techneon
Special Requirements: none
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marzz4967 writes:
Klaatu Barada Nikto was a line from the movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still". The line has been referenced in Evil Dead, and in lots of other movies, games, and other media. Check it out!
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