Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith Easter Egg - Our Favorite Character Is Back...But This Time She's Deadly
Our all-time favorite character from Attack of the Clones is back--JOCASTA NU!!!!
In the scene right before Anakin is about to massacre the younglings, you see clones shooting down Jedi in the dark Jedi Temple. If you look closely in the background, you can actually see a yellow lightsaber--yes, a YELLOW lightsaber, blocking and cutting down clones. This saber obviously belongs to Jocasta Nu
Want proof? Ok, fine with me. When Obi-Wan activates the security hologram with Yoda, you see Anakin mow down three Jedi with ease. The first Jedi is a man. But after the man comes a lady that looks strangely like--JOCASTA NU!!! Yes, it IS Jocasta Nu coming at Anakin. You can see this because of her old hair tied into a bun and those little Chinese sticks in her bun. She falls quickly, though, and that's when Anakin confronts Cin Drallig.
However, in the hologram, you cannot see Nu's yellow saber since the hologram is made out of light so it would be pretty much impossible to see her yellow lightsaber.
I must've laughed for ten mintues when me and my friends spotted this.
Special Requirements: nothing
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there is no yellow lightsaber |
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