Lego StarWars Easter Egg - Disco Party!

1.In Lego StarWars goto episode 2,chapter 1 along the level until you get to the part were you have to destroy the turrets
3.intsted of destroying the turrets go into the room thats right next to the force field the center of that room there are some circles two of them are lit up
5.stand on one of them and and your partner will stand on the other one
6.they'll both turn green and two more will light up
7.keep doing this until all the circles are green
8.after that the circles and the lights will flash different colors and people will start dancing to dance mix's of the starwars theme songs.

User Rating:
  3.9/10 with 27 votes
Contributed By: TheThing5687 on 09-01-2005
Reviewed By: Axel, DomFeargrieve
Special Requirements: Lego StarWars
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Wallamanage writes:
Not an egg. You get a canister for doing it. ERGO it's meant to be done ERGO not hidden ERGO not an egg.
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LOF666 writes:
Ego's such an overrated word, used by people to make others think they're clever.
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xfactor8 writes:
Does anyone know if you can turn on Zam Wessel by going to -program files -Giant -Lego star wars game -lego_data -Chars -ZamWessel ??? There are a few other character files there not playable (or seen) in the game.
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I noticed this Egg. In the new game (Episode 4-6) is a similiar gag waiting for you... In Episode 6, on the flying ship of Jabba the Hutt try to reveal a field of LEGO circles; done that, choose a partner and jump on every circle that lights up. If all circles have become green at least once (something like this), watch & hear the Gamorrhean Guards dancing and headbanging (!) to a heavy metal (?)version of Darth Vader's Imperial march. ;-)
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