Return to Castle Wolfenstein Easter Egg - Rambo

When in multiplayer mode, bring up the console by hitting the ~ key to the left of 1. Then, type "/exec rambo" (without the quotation marks) and hit enter. Your name will be changed to [Nw]RAMBO, all of your keyboard, mouse, and graphics settings will be changed around, and it will cause you to randomly say things like, "No fear 'cause I'm here!!!", and "Get the X-treme info at!!!" In order to get out of Rambo Mode, you will have to go to options and restore defaults. This egg was hidden in the game by one of the game developers. I'm not sure exactly why. It may have been his game configuration during play testing.

User Rating:
  6.1/10 with 7 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 08-23-2005
Reviewed By: Axel, Techneon
Special Requirements: Return to Castle Wolfenstein, computer
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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reebash writes:
This is not by any means an egg. You just executed someone's personal configuration. Many developers of FPS games ship the game with their personal configs. If you look in the pak0.pk3 file (rename it to and open it with winzip or something), you'll see lots of .cfg files. From your example, you'll see one called "rambo.cfg". In fact, 133 of them shipped in the box with wolf. Mine is "!Solo.cfg". "Rambo" is actually someone affiliated with the WolfensteinX website, as sometimes the developers let outsiders ship their configs with the game as a "privelege", for bragging rights, or whatever.
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