Santa Clause 2, The Easter Egg - Toy Story Reference

Go to the part where the real Santa (Tim Allen) and the clone Santa are fighting on the sleigh near the end of the movie. Clone Santa says "You are a sad, strange little man" near the end of the fight. This is the same line that Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen) says to Woody in the movie Toy Story when they're at the gas station!

User Rating:
  8.0/10 with 24 votes
Contributed By: racedogg2 on 08-16-2005
Reviewed By: DomFeargrieve, Techneon
Special Requirements: the movie The Santa Clause 2 and Toy Story
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Whammy Power writes:
Woody was voiced by Tom Hanks, not Tim Allen.
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racedogg2 writes:
It's still an egg because both movies were made by Pixar.
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codelyokorox writes:
Whammypower, that's the funny part. It's the robot that says it to Tim Allen, not Tim Allen to the robot. So, the REAL Tim Allen is being told that he's a sad, strange little man by someone ELSE. Or maybe that's my very hard-to-understand view because of my logic?
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Heather1990 writes:
Okay, it was Buzz that said that to Woody (haha woody). And it doesn't matter. Grow up and get lives.
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gamefreak writes:
Can't anyone post a nice comment for once instead of looking for every flaw in an egg? If it was so bad, it wouldn't be posted. I think that it was a pretty cool egg
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