Aqua Teen Hungerforce Easter Egg - Lottery Number

In the episode titled Meatzone where Meatwad has the ability to predict the future, there is a scene where Meatwad is predicting the lottery numbers. You will notice on about the fifth lottery ball there are words written on it. If you can pause it, you can read the kind of dark message. It says "No one loves you, They're just pretending to be nice. But they talk bad about you after you leave the room. Your gonna die alone." I'm not sure but I tink this is an earlier quote that Masta Shake tells Meatwad.

User Rating:
  5.4/10 with 25 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 07-27-2005
Reviewed By: Loginer, DomFeargrieve
Special Requirements: TV
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bobafett12 writes:
Nice Find!
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