Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Easter Egg - Kill the End Early in the Game

Well... After You Fight The Pain (The Man Who Controls Hornets) And Before Fighting The Fear (The Spiderman of The Jungle) You can kill The End (A Man who can do Photosynthesis) The only thing that you'll need is the SVD (Snaiperskaya Vintovka Dragunova or Dragunov Sniper Rifle) and sinpe like The End.
After Beating The Pain You'll get to a River, There You'll have to pass Trought some guards on flying platforms, usually you will have to go straight, but in order to get the SVD you must find a way to the left near to the exit of the river to the Ponizovje Warehouse, You'll find the SVD There, go back to the river and continue to the Ponizovje Warehouse, You'll see a cinema with the sexy lady (The Boss), Volgin (He's Really Strong heh), Tatyana, Sokolov, The Fear and THE END (on a wheelchair).
After the cinema, you can easily kill The End by sniping him (A Fitting Death) in the head; obviously you must kill the guards and do this quickly or he'll run away and you will have to face him later (But with less Health and Stamina if you connect at least one hit).
I do not recommend this, because if you do it You'll not get the Mossin Nagant and The End Camo (100% on the camo index on certain areas!! and Photosynthsis!!) But, If you aren't skilled enough (Like my brother), It will be useful.
Ok, That's all, in short:
-If You're a Macho Man, or a woman with guts You'll face The End properly
-You can't even use CQC and shoot a handgun... KILL HIM!! In silence NINJA STYLE.

User Rating:
  3.3/10 with 24 votes
Contributed By: Raiden on 07-27-2005
Reviewed By: Loginer, DomFeargrieve
Special Requirements: Get The SVD Early (I'll Explain)
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It is also possible to kill him another way. Begin the fight with The End, then save the game. Then either wait a week, or fast-forward your PS2's internal clock, and The End will have died from old age because of all the waiting!
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