Johnny Bravo Easter Egg - Devil's Tower?

In the episode where Johnny makes all those famous butt print paintings, at the start he is making something like a volcano and says: "I know this means something!". Doesn't that remind you of the scene in the movie Close Encounters Of The Third Kind where the man (I don't remember the name.) is making a volcano type of thing and he also knows it means something? Well, the volcano is actually Devil's Tower in the movie I just mentioned. It's kind of obvious, but if you haven't seen the movie you wouldn't maybe know this.

User Rating:
  4.7/10 with 7 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 07-22-2005
Reviewed By: Gamer Sly-Ratchet, DomFeargrieve
Special Requirements: The episode Pop Art something.. I think it was Pop Art Image. Well the one where Johnny makes butt prints.
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Pictures and Videos

Devil's Tower of 'Close Enconters of the Third Kind'
Devil's Tower of 'Close Enconters of the Third Kind'

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