Incredibles, The Easter Egg - Radio Tower

In the first level, the tower you have to knock over to knock down the helicopter has PXAR or something like that on it, this is an abbreviation for PIXAR (for stupid people who don't know, PIXAR made the Incredibles)

User Rating:
  2.7/10 with 10 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-22-2005
Reviewed By: DomFeargrieve, Techneon
Special Requirements: the game, eyes
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Charles writes:
Yes, I was amazed when I saw it too, though I wouldn't really call the people stupid if they didn't know PIXAR made the Incredibles. A bit uninformed, but still.
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There was also the Hotel Luxo in that same level. Luxo is the name of the hopping lamp in Pixar's logo. Well, technically it's Luxo Jr. But still, it's there!
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