Spider-Man 2 Easter Egg - "All Your Base Are Belong to Mysterio"

Get to the theater rescue scene with Mysterio. Before you actually begin the rescuing, you and mysterio have a chat. During that chat, mysterio will clearly say "You have no chance to survive make your time" which is a reference to the "All your base" craze that swept the internet several years ago.

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  5.1/10 with 12 votes
Contributed By: Brian on 06-20-2005
Reviewed By: DomFeargrieve, Techneon
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Yodaman writes:
Has anyone else noticed that the "super-fly spider guy" rules the rooftops, as it were? Is this just a coincidence or is there something more to the vulture feathers and internet craze?
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Yodaman writes:
To add to my earlier comment, an interesting fact: If you leap onto the floor (or, if outside, would it not be, grass or pavement or road) and die whilst in the process of the completion of this particular mission (the one in the large theatre with the burning floor, mysterio and the attacking robots) usually you do, indeed (as would make sense as during the rest of the game it is the same, and would probably also be in real life), and mysterio may continue to be talking or may start afresh. This is a reference, of course, to the Indiana Jones movies and video games (starring Harrison Ford, whose other roles include Han Solo, bounty hunter and space pilot in the Star Wars films and video games and the president of the united states, fictional though the character is, on board the presidential aeropane, or in american, airplane, in the eponymous Air Force One) and, in many ways is true as not only is it a direst copy, but also ITS (or THESE if one is to be seen to be pretentious) as fake it and link in with Elvis Presleys Rock'n'Roll fifties classic "You ain't nothin' but a hound dog" whch also include these lines. Tenuous, I know, but even still it is a blatant easter egg no doubt included by some shifty joker.
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