Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Easter Egg - Secret Characters

In the second to last mission of the New Rwpublic campaign in the expansion set, if you fly to the very left corner of the map, you find Anakin and Palpatine there with a Sith Temple. Keep in mind this came out before Episode III. What might Anakin and Palpatine be doing consorting outside a Sith Temple?

User Rating:
  3.9/10 with 12 votes
Contributed By: SkyStreak22 on 06-16-2005
Reviewed By: butterhoney12, DomFeargrieve
Special Requirements: SWGB Expansion Set
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This sort of thing is on many levels of both the original GB and Clone Campaigns. Using the 'forcesight' and/or 'forceexplore' codes, you can find extra characters on a heck of a lot of the missions in these games. For example, on one mission, behind a dense forest in one corner of the map, you can find Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, and Yoda on a little patch of Degobah.
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