Rain (Madonna) Easter Egg - Can't Make Out What Madonna Is Saying

In the song "Rain" bu Madonna, If you play the track to 14:00 exactly, you will hear Madonna speaking - but you wont be able to make out what she is saying. Now, change the balance on your speakers to left only, and you will hear this:

Waiting is the hardest thing
I tell myself that if I believe in you
In the dream of you
With all my heart and all my soul
That by sheer force of will
I can raise you from the ground
And without a sound you'll appear
And surrender to me, to love

If you select only the right channel, you will hear this:

It's strange I feel like I've known you before
And I want to understand you
More and more
When I'm with you
I feel like a magical child
Everything strange
Everything wild

User Rating:
  6.0/10 with 4 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-16-2005
Reviewed By: butterhoney12, DomFeargrieve
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Yung Simon writes:
I think that is a rubbish e-egg, mine is much better I have put it on there but it has not been displayed yet, it reads thus: Well, there's just this fing, y'know! It's true there is, so suck on that!
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Wallamanage writes:
You tell 'em Yung Simon. Hail!!
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