Medal of Honor: Frontline Easter Egg - Dead Man Alive!

1. Go to the Nijmegen Bridge level.
2. Get to the point in the game where you climb up the ladder onto the very top of the bridge (I think this is the second bridge you come accross in the game. The ladder is on the right hand side of the bridge near a burning truck.)
3. Climb the ladder to the top of the bridge.
4. On your way up, on the left hand side you can see a soldiers legs dangling off the bridge.
5. Shoot him. He will fall all the way off the bridge onto a wooden crate. His body will remain unlike other dead soldiers.
6. Go back down to ground level.
7. Come up close to the soldiers body and shoot off his helmet by firing at it.
8. By zooming in you will be able to see that he is blatently blinking and his lips are moving. This is left in by the creators who thought no one would be able to detect that he is still alive because his face is covered by his helmet!

This is the coolest egg in the game- Enjoy!

User Rating:
  9.4/10 with 33 votes
Contributed By: DomFeargrieve on 06-14-2005
Reviewed By: butterhoney12, DomFeargrieve
Special Requirements: Copy of the game, a PS2 (but it may work for other versions of the game)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Also appears to be the only egg in the game!
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devilboy writes:
Dude, I noticed this too. I sat at my TV for an hour trying to figure out why this soldier was different. Nice find and Happy Hunting.:)
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