Shrek 2 Easter Egg - Delirious Donkey
Go to the special features second page, and then go to the "Far, Far Away Times". It's a fictional newspaper that the DVD creators made up and stuck stories from the movie into it.
Go to the page that has something about Donkey having Marital problems. It's on page 4. Underneath this, there is a story about a naughty ice-cream salesman who is told off because he pushes his cart too quickly for children to get ice-cream.
This is a direct reference to one of Eddie Murphy's early stage performances called "Delirious". In this stage performance, one of Eddie's skits is about how the ice-cream vans used to speed past all the kids and make them run for a few blocks to get their ice-cream.
There is also a skit in "Delirious" that Eddie is talking about relationship problems, it's possible that this is the link to the "Donkey having Marital Problems" in the newspaper.
For all those living under a rock for the past few years, Eddie Murphy does the voice of Donkey.
Special Requirements: The DVD
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