Sandler, Adam Easter Egg - Adam and His Mates
In many of Adam Sandlers films there are the same people helping out. In "Happy Gilmore" the caddy is the same man as one of the gays in "Big Daddy". Also he is the man who gets mugged that works in inside access in "Mr Deeds". In "Big Daddy" the other gay is also one of the rock dudes in "Little Nicky" he also plays in "The Waterboy" as the player that always says, "Needle D**K" to Bobby. Also in "The Waterboy" the crosseyed guy that asks Bobby if he wants a drink at the victory party is in "Little Nicky" as one of the rock dudes. He is in "Big Daddy" as one of the friends, but not one of the gays. In "Mr Deeds" The crazy eyed man aka "Crazy eyes" is in "Big Daddy" as the tramp that sonny gets a McDonalds. The delivery guy in "Big Daddy" is in "Mr Deeds" at the cat scene as what I think is a deliver guy. There is also a man that is in most of the films that always says, "You can do it!". In addition to this in a film where the main character is that man Adam Sandler pops out and yells "You can do it!"
Special Requirements: A few films with adam sandler in
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