Star Wars: Battlefront Easter Egg - Secret Message
Start the Level "Rhen'Var Citadel". It doens't matter what Game-Mode you take, the egg can be seen in all modes.
Join the Empire or Separatists and select the "Observatory" as your Start-point. After you've spawned, move to the your left and up the stairs. You will find some strange letters on the wall next to the stairs and at the end of it. This are letters from the Star Wars-Alphabet "Aurebesh" (You can find it here:
If you translate the Text, you will get a funny Message about the origin of the Jedi.
"Bla Bla Bla
This Game Bla
Is there water on Mars?
Maybe thats where the Jedi are..."
If you look around you can find other Messages in this and other levels. Also take a closer look to the Ammo Packs!
Special Requirements: 'Star Wars Battefront' Video Game, Aurebesh-Alphabet at
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