10 Things I Hate About You Easter Egg - Detention Sign-In

Right after Heath Ledger's singing performance on the bleachers, the next scene shows the door to the detention room with a "detention sign-in" board right next to it. The third name from the bottom of the board is "Ross Fanger", whose name appears in the credits as unit production manager. I'm sure there are other names on the board that are in the credits, but I didn't check into all of them.

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  6.4/10 with 36 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 03-26-2005
Reviewed By: sars, Gamer Sly-Ratchet, Loginer
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I've tried to check the remaining names on the sign-in board (those that I could read, that is); this is what I've come up with: - Max Chernov (top of the list) There is a Jeffrey Chernov who is one of the executive producers of the movie. Perhaps Max is his son? - Hope Garrison (middle of the list) Might just be a coincidence, but Hope Garrison is the name of a person who has had the position of Second Assistant Director for many other movies. - Brett Carroll (second from bottom) Brett Carroll is the First Assistant Director.
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