Jungle Book, The Easter Egg - SWUTH

If you are on the Kaa the snake level (the one where you have to climb the HUGE tree) You will come across an owl that is throwing coconuts at you. If you duck down so that the coconuts go over your head and then WAIL on him with bananas (i think you have to hit him 127 times) He stops throwing and pulls out a sign that says SWUTH!
The bizzarro story behind this is that the programmer (Chris Harvey) had a friend named Ray Tredoux. Ray wasn't one for buying clothes, and one day as a surprise to everyone he went out and spent a LOT of money on fine leather jacket. In order to get his money's worth out of it he wore it ALL THE TIME. Now Ray and Chris worked with a guy by the name of Adrian Carless and they were all from an area of England known as the Black Country. In the Black Country they speak a strange dialect of English (see the BBC website for more info) and the term 'Money's Worth' is pronounced MunneeSwuth. Adrian constantly berated Ray for getting his 'MunneeSwuth' out of his jacket. This was later shortened (as so many phrases are in the Black Country) to getting his 'Swuth' from the Jacket. As time went on Ray was simply known as 'Swuth' and this Easter Egg was a nod from the creator to his old friend Ray (who went on to become a Hells Angel (you can't make this stuff up :)

User Rating:
  8.0/10 with 8 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 03-26-2005
Reviewed By: Gamer Sly-Ratchet, Loginer
Special Requirements: The Jungle Book Game
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Chris Putnam writes:
This, my friends, is how you present a true easter egg! He found the egg, looked up the info, and stated it all clearly. Excellent!
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