Unreal Championship Easter Egg - Frozen Cow

I don't remember the name of the level, but its the only level with "The winners ride out in style, while the losers enter cryostasis the hard way" in its description. Go to the metal garage with the grenade launcher in it, get the launcher and put your back to the metal wall in the back of it, step outside, make a right, and go down until there is a metal ramp, go up it and there should be a door to your left with 2 circles above it. Shoot both circles in their center with the grenade launcher within 1 second of each-other, and RUN back to the garage. The metal wall will be gone, and there will be a giant square of ice with a cow in it, a few seconds later, the metal wall reappears and you hear the cow go "Moooooooo!!!"

User Rating:
  10.0/10 with 8 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 03-21-2005
Reviewed By: Gamer Sly-Ratchet, Loginer
Special Requirements: the game (XboX works best), grenade launcher with at least 2 ammo, a fast character
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Yodaman writes:
OK, this is one of the best eggs I have ever seen!
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Arbiter writes:
Great job finding it. The level is Flux 2.
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