Wolfenstein 3D Easter Egg - Commander Keen 4 Message?

when in the game... type in the commander keen 4 quick cheat to get the message

the cheat in CK4 was to hold B + A + T all at once

wolfenstein also has a cheat like this... hold M + L + I

or use the debugging

User Rating:
  6.2/10 with 32 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 11-28-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Wolfenstein registered game (all 6 episodes)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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This also works in Spear of Destiny.
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shaveme writes:
This is because, between some point in the making of id software's vintage games (like Rescue Rover) and Spear of Destiny, the creators used the same engine core to base each game's code on. Their next game, Doom, was not based on this core. (Change of programming language maybe?)
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pman13 writes:
when you use the M+L+I code, your score is reset to zero!
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