Wolfenstein 3D Easter Egg - Wolfenstein 3D Aardwolf

Heres one for ya... what's up with this?

open wolfenstein 3d with debugs

wolf3d.exe -next
wolf3d.exe -goobers

when in the game turn on the debugs

(hold at once: Tab + Shift + Alt + Backspace)

then hit: Tab + T

run through the sprites until you get to the aardwolf sign... odd huh??? was this a contest??

here is a screen shot of it:


User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 82 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 11-28-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Wolfenstein registered game (all 6 episodes)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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GRiM*ÇE writes:
This was going to be a contest, where the first person to find this sign in the secret level would call and say the word - aardwolf - and win something. However, before the final game was shipped (I believe?) people had made editing tools for Wolf3D and had seen the sign and were already calling to try to win, before they should have even had a chance to. Consequently, the contest was cancelled.
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ChrisG writes:
A friend of mine and I found it the way they wanted to one late night. Took FOREVER. It was in level two somewhere (hey, it has been over 10 years) and you went into two hours (at least) worth of push walls. Of course, when you get in there you block anyway of ever getting back out. But, if you continue you end up meeting that Good'en Toff (sp) end guy behind a door who'll promptly kill you (no where to hide/get off enough good shots to kill him)
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Dave writes:
It's E2, L8. Open it in an editor and set your faces to stunned.
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shaveme writes:
Just a little bit of trivia: the "aardwolf" used to be id Software (the creator)'s mascot. Dunno if it still is, or whatever happened to it. Check http://5years.doomworld.com for more info.
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khale writes:
holy crap!!!! like 8 or nine years ago when i was realy young and would play commander keen i would watch my dad play wolfenstien.... he found that huge thing of push walls and went through like 20 dead ends untill he finnaly found the room with the boss from lvl 1 that says good day in german and died.... we gave up there and stopped tying to map the maze and stuff out...... i never got to see the message sign
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