Spider-man 1 (for PS2) Easter Egg - Well, Goodbye to You, Too---Oh Wait, That's Your Name

Go to the "O s c o r p s Gambit" level and swing on over to the M e t l i f e building. If you look up into the sky on the far end of the building, you should see the word "Chaos" written in the sky with clouds. Guess what? The Game designer/Effects artists name is James Chao. Coincidence? I think not. By the way, i'm sorry I posted this in the computers section when it's a PS2 game, but they don't have a section for video gaming. (The spacing is so the spell-checker won't catch me).

User Rating:
  5.8/10 with 13 votes
Contributed By: Mr. Prickle (no pun intended) on 12-11-2004
Reviewed By: Boneho Chane, ConCor
Special Requirements: Spider-Man Game, PS2, Controller
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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daunrealist writes:
1. This is NOT an egg AT ALL! 2. There has NEVER been a PS2, Xbox, Gamecube, or any other platform section. All games are listed under computers. 3. You don't need to space it out, they will know that it is a company, and your form is not automatically rejected.
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Sargus writes:
This is true for the PC game too, if you look in another level you will find a hot air balloon with the word chaos on it, and in another there's an electronic sign that changes to "CHAOS WAS HERE".
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