Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Easter Egg - THUG Eggs Return

Just like in the first game, Tony Hawk's Underground 2 is full of easter eggs. Here are some; I'm sure there are more:

The Triangle Level is unlocked upon completing Classic Mode. There is an oddly colorful pirate ship in this level. This ship was part of the Skater Island level in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3. In the same level there are two grounded helicopters, one of which was in the Hangar level of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2.

The Star Wars Kid, known from some weird on-line videos, appears three times in this game, among other interesting eggs. In the Boston level, there is a building with two high-up windows that can be broken. One of them contains a guy with a small goat (probably a reference to the game's TV commercials) and the other lets you dance with the Star Wars kid.

Also, there is an area in the Triangle level that can be accessed by grinding on a rocket on one of the grounded helicopters. There are three windows here: one with two tubes containing unknown creatures (and one from which the creature escaped), one that had an alien doctor performing surgery, and one with the Star Wars kid dancing on a table while aliens watch.

Finally, although it's not really an egg, the Star Wars kid is an unlock-able character (they call him "geeky kid").

In the dumpster in the New Orleans level, there are some beer bottles. On careful inspection, the bottles have the Tony Hawk's Underground logo on them.

There are a lot of signs in New Orleans, some on buildings and some neon. Many of these are quite funny, so see if you can read them. One says "beer and hand grenades to go", as well as an insurance company with a funny name.

The hell part of the Pro Skater level is no egg, and neither is meeting the devil. But right above the entrance to the hall where the devil's room is, there is a McDonald's-style counter that says "Over (numbers changing constantly) Served".

User Rating:
  5.7/10 with 20 votes
Contributed By: unknownwarrior33 on 11-28-2004
Reviewed By: ConCor, Capital C
Special Requirements: The game, the system for which you have the game
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Boneho Chane writes:
The Goat isn't a reference to the commercial, but actually an awesome inside joke along the Neversoft crew. They've been hiding goats in the games since THPS4. In THPS4, on the carnival level, behind the basketball stand with the clowns in front of it, if you go behind the stand there is a hilbilly looking at a goats butt. This is very easy to miss. On THUG, behind the strip club on Tampa was a cop looking a butt. And now there is this on THUG 2.
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Here's one I forgot to add: The grafiti skater from the Berlin level, the "ramp kid" from the Australia level, and various other random characters appear in random places throughout most of the levels. Two examples are near the helicopter in Airport and on the scaffolding on one of the buildings in Los Angelas.
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Sparqz writes:
Actually, I believe the goat is a different kind of inside joke. A bit lewd but if you rotate the camera rightly with all of those goat situations (usually putting the goat in front of the person) you will see what I think the game developers were doing.
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