You Don't Know Jack Easter Egg - Holiday Greetings

1. Set your computer's date to July 14
2. The announcer will wish you a happy Bastille Day.
3. Probably works for other holidays, too.

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  5.5/10 with 45 votes
Contributed By: Suzyn Smith on 07-15-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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It also works on Columbus Day.
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Hammerman writes:
This Egg works on all sorts of dates. Ie. Christmas, Easter, New Years Eve, It also works at different times of the day. Ie. 3:00 AM says something funny.
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zan711 writes:
Cookie will wish you a Happy New Year too, and if you're playing alone, he will make some type of a comment that it's sad you have to be alone on New Years. (it's an insaulting comment).
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Dave R. writes:
Play ALONE on a Saturday night for a nice comment. It gives you something funny with three people also. BTW: There's a configuration file in the Jack directory that actually has a listing of all the holidays and times where the announcer will say something. You can fiddle with it if you like, you can't do anything but screw up the easter egg at worst. And if you do, re-install the game (though you'll lose high scores). Here is where I found the text file for YDKJ 5/OFFLINE. All the other volumes should be similiar except with obvious changes in the folder names. C:\SIERRA\You Don't Know Jack Offline\OfflineItems\usd.txt
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Gypsybells writes:
Here's a list of all the dates you can set your calendar to for a comment on startup: Ash Weds. Great American Smokeout Flag Day Arbor Day April Fools Day Boxing Day Guy Fawkes Day Sweetest Day Mothers Day Fathers Day Day of the Dead Michealmas Secretaries day Bastille Day Elvis Birthday Earth Day Coming-Out Day MLK, Jr. Day Saint Patrick's Day Easter Nurses Day Grandparents Day Labor Day Yom Kipper Independence Day Thanksgiving Hanukkah Valentines Day Christmas Eve Christmas Groundhog’s Day New Year's Day New Year's Eve Kwanza Playing Friday night Playing Saturday night Playing after 8pm Playing before 4am Playing before 9am
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Molly writes:
I was playing this on New Year's Eve, 1999 - got a really sarcastic comment tailored to the turn of the century.
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Jordan Hass writes:
Don't forget when you installed properly.
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Laydee writes:
I've only got the demo so I don't get all of those but I do get most of them. When I first realized it, I was playing on Christmas Eve and had spent the evening reminding my family so constantly. Then, when I started to play, he suddenly said "Ooh, it's Christmas Eve - isn't it exciting!" We all just burst out laughing but I got a shock! But after fiddling round with the files I found the cookie. By the way, when's Coming Out Day? I imagine he has something particularly scathing for then! I tell ya, he could give Anne Robinson a run for her money! I'm not sure if it's an egg though but still, very entertaining! And does WWTBAM really have that cookie? I never realized before!
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