Kingdom Hearts (PS2) Easter Egg - A Hidden Mickey

On the second "day" in Destiny Islands at the very beginning of the game, Wakka tells you that he and Tidus are going to go exploring in the secret place. You have to go there to continue the story, but while you're there, go into first person mode and look at the drawings on the wall. You'll see some interesting stuff, including Donald. But there's one drawing hidden by a curve in the wall, to the right of the really big drawing. If you found Donald, it's just above him. Look familiar?

User Rating:
  5.0/10 with 44 votes
Contributed By: unknownwarrior33 on 09-25-2004
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster, Boneho Chane
Special Requirements: Just the game and a keen eye
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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platinum-xp writes:
Also, when you look at the pictures on the wall (in this same cave) next to door on right side, you see two persons. Don't you think you've seen em? You have (if you have played FFVII and VIII), since they are Cloud and Squall.
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Colt'skitty writes:
Well also in that same cave there is a chocobo with an X on it.
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Kya writes:
There is a large amount of drawings that are familiar to those who like this game. Disney characters(Donald, Mickey), and FF characters (Chocobo, Cloud, etc.) are shown throughout the cave, as well as some other drawings of no sudden apparant meaning.
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Heather1990 writes:
No, I don't see who it is above donald duck. Could ya clarify?
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There is also a Disney Castle in the cave, next to the door, behind the rock with the face scratched into it.
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