Space Ghost: Coast to Coast Easter Egg - A Couple of Things

1. Watch the ending credits, sometimes they have some pretty screwed up things going on. One writers name is always upside down, sometimes the credits have messages in them too.

2. In the episodes Brilliant Number One and Two, they are the same exact cartoon, except the difference is when the screen turns to black and white and the barely readable white writing flashes at the bottom. Number one's writing is all William Shakespear's words, Number two's episode is all of the poet W.S. Merwin's words. These are the two most bizarre shows I have ever seen on a cartoon.

3. In a lot of shows the characters will mention one of the writers names while talking to a guest or when they are involved in dialogue, such as Zorak mentioning the name of a writer or producer while talking to Jerry Springer and tells him that they gambled with him in Vegas.

User Rating:
  7.9/10 with 29 votes
Contributed By: Slick on 11-22-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: tv
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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MIKE writes:
Did you ever notice that Zorak changes color every time he apears? And also the poster to the left of him changes evey once in awhile!!!
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hngkong writes:
Duh, its because in the original Space Ghost episode with Zorak there were 2 types, blue and red. Blue was the normal soldiers and red was the leader. They are exactly the same elsewise.
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Min2114 writes:
No, Mike is right. Zorak changes to different shades of green each time it shows him. "I'm green, I'm olive, I'm chartruce! I'd love to stay the color but what's the use?"-Zorak... oh god I forget what song! It was on Cartoon Planet.
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Nightcrawler writes:
Zorak changes because he's taken from clips of the old show. so is everyone else. ever notice how moltar, zorak, space ghost, and expecially brak have very limited positions. The have minimal animation on that show
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Min2114 writes:
That Zorak quote is from the song "Bad Bug." Just to let you know. And the name that's always upside down is a name of an Editor. ^-^
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Min2114 writes:
OMG. I just realized that I corrected myself about what song it was! I'm such an idiot! ^-^
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Vamp writes:
Forget the egg in this one. Min2114's correction of himself had me rolling on the floor. That's a classic...LOL:)
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ADD writes:
Nice one, Min.
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