Invader ZIM Easter Egg - Bloody GIR

There's a short story behind this egg. Jhonen Vasquez, the twenty-something creator of Invader Zim, was apparently going to use an image in the show of the lovable GIR with blood apparently sprayed on him. Well, Nick didn't like this very much, so they told him to take it out and refused to use it, although the image itself had already been drawn. So instead, out of spite, Jhonen hid the image in single frames throughout many of the episodes, starting with Bad, Bad Rubber Piggy.

Just about every episode afterwards contains the image in a single frame. You need a frame by frame VCR and very good eyes to find the GIRs, as they're well hidden and transparent. The first one found was in BBRP, after Zim throws the piggy into the porthole, Dib throws a punch at Zim while he's in his mech uniform. Next you see the piggy swirling through the porthole, and right after the piggy disappears, you can see a bloody gir in the flash that occurs. i recommend that right when you see the piggy swirling through the porthole (remember: AFTER Dib throws the punch! Its a mistake that some people think its when Zim first throws the piggy, it is NOT), hit pause on your DVD/VCR and then go frame by frame slowly and carefully until you see the bloody gir. You should be able to see GIR's head with some pretty graphic blood on it, and the red "Duty Mode" eyes.

Good luck, and have fun searching!

BTW, here's the URL to the image of the GIR. Be warned, if you don't like gore, than stay away from this link. It freaked me out when I first saw it. Also, it's a pretty large image, warned.

User Rating:
  8.0/10 with 105 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 08-24-2004
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster, sars
Special Requirements: A frame by frame VCR or the DVD and a remote with frame-by-frame
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

on the left is the actual egg on the right it is a clear picture. Bloody! yet so cute,yet so evil
on the left is the actual egg on the right it is a clear picture. Bloody! yet so cute,yet so evil
If your on a flatscreen monitor, go lower and the bloody gir will appear Bloody gir in mortos this pic is color inverted and upside down, can only see top of his head
If your on a flatscreen monitor, go lower and the bloody gir will appear Bloody gir in mortos this pic is color inverted and upside down, can only see top of his head
I think there is bloody gir in this I fixed the contrast/brightness on this pic so it can be seen better. EPISODE-Mortos Der Soulstealer.
I think there is bloody gir in this I fixed the contrast/brightness on this pic so it can be seen better. EPISODE-Mortos Der Soulstealer.
Bloody Gir dislikes nothing and he likes killing the humans
Bloody Gir dislikes nothing and he likes killing the humans

Do you have another one? Send us a picture or video of this Egg!


Alicia C. writes:
The Bloody GIR isnt on the pigs head in BBRP it is after the throughs the pig in the portal He is in the center of the screen just befor the screen gose white.
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armanrules writes:
i watched this episode when i was 6... scared the hell out of me
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cobaltwire writes:
It's real to those that think it's fake. In bad bad rubber piggy, it's at the end after Zim throws the last pig in the portal when Dib is about to punch Zim. When you see the pig in the swirly vortex, play it slowly, then pause it right when the pig disappears (before the flash! Look for the 2 redish spots!). If you're having a hard time seeing it, try looking at your screen from a different angle or lower the contrast on your tv.
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Red XIII writes:
This egg is false. I looked at the episode Bad Bad Rubber Piggy I zoomed in on the pig a looked at every frame twice. it may seem like it is Gir bloodied, but it is just the words on the pig changing color every frame.
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Jo-Jo writes:
I dont know what you are on about, the URL isnt THAT graphic! But GIR is still dead sweet. But if this picture is meant to be in every episode, could you give us more examples to help us find bloody GIR!
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weirdojace writes:
It's not fake... if you have volume 3 of the DVD releases, look at the intro for the episode "Mortos der Soulstealer." Right when the tubes come out of Zim's house, you will see a brief flash. If you pause the DVD on the flash, you will see the Bloody Gir. That is the only KNOWN one so far.
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TheMagic#27 writes:
Red... This has been proven true and Steve Ressel, who was the director and a good friend of my boyfriend, told us himself and told us where the first one was. It's very real. I know... I helped discover Bloody GIR personally. I help search episodes for them. Do some research before you disprove something.
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TheMagic#27 writes:
Wow, didn't notice, but my aforementioned boyfriend post already, weirdojace.
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m2graphics writes:
just to follow up on the last post, there is definately the Bloody Gir in DVD3 when the tubes are coming out of the house. I couldnt do frame by frame, but it fades in when the tubes are getting close to the screen. Very cool!
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Kyarameru writes:
T_T That is so sad. I almost cried. I love Gir. I still do, but I am so freaked out by that. I mean, I even have a shirt with Gir on it in the doggy suit that says, "I still got a hug in me." So, I love Gir, buy very scary.
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n00dle writes:
For those that keep saying this is a hoax, i just used slowmode on powerdvd to pick up this image in the aformentioned info. It is hosted on my webspace at: It is definately real..
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I FINALLY found this! For some reason I didnt realize that you were speaking of the flash in the opening sequence! I was watching the show for hours trying to find some sort of flash, not even regarding the opening scene. When I finally found this, I found it kind of creepy. Twas one of those things that made the hair on the back of my neck bristle!!!
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tuesday-skye writes:
Jhonen is the kind of guy who would do this he has a way wierd sense of humor but i like him for it! the bloody Gir is not graphic at ALL!if you read Johnny The Homicidal Maniac it's worse then that!
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mouse writes:
The description mentions a URL... Does anyone have this available
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Zero writes:
Wow...I Googled This And Got A Site That Showed The Pictures Perfectly...Almost Too Perfectly, Beware!After Seeing This I Could'nt Look At Gir's Face The Same Ever Again! It Scared Me....Too Those Who Wanna See Just Go To You Have Been Warned!!!!
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Zim-Is-Great writes:
Red, You have a point. They haven't proved it's in Bad Bad Rubber Piggy yet, But it IS in Mortos De Soulstealer(I downloaded a crappy copy of that epsiode, and i still saw it!) In Mortos De Soulstealer, At the opening credits when the tubes go out of ZIM's house, JUST before the biggest tube goes through the screen, put it into frames AND it'll last two frames instead of one!!!
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got80s writes:
started a bloody gir screenshot group on
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i checked this about a thousand times and look through every frame with the final pig in it. the only place you see the bloody Gir is NOT right before zim throws it into the porthole. i found the bloody Gir after that. Zim throws the final pig into the porthole, and then Dib in his machine throws a punch towards zim. right before the punch hits zim, the screen goes back to the pig flying through the porthole. if you look at the pig flying through the porthole frame by frame (im using a dvd player) you will see the bloody gir right after the pig disappears, but right before the screen flashes white. its very very hard to see, and i only spotted it because i could see gir's eyes, but very VERY faintly. if you look very closely you can see some blood on gir's head but the rest of the body is very hard to see. the image is transparent on an almost white screen, but the bloody Gir IS there.
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midi writes:
The one in Bad Bad Rubber Piggy is real! It when the whole screen goes white after the last piggy goes through. It's in the center of the screen and realy small, maybye an inch or two tall and if you take a screen shot and negitive it in paint or something you can see it alot better.
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MorPH writes:
Cool. I love this picture, I have it as my MSN pic :). (I know that this isn't helpful at all)
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Degina writes:
No, I believe Red's right. I didn't see it.
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I'm sure I've seen a picture of the Big Bad Rubber Piggy one, and the bloody GIR in Mortos Der Soul Stealer is easy to spot. If you pause the DVD and press fast forward, most DVD players will fast forward the DVD slowly, so you can see when the image appears during the first tubes in the opening sequence and pause then. :) It doesn't look quite as bad when onscreen as it does alone (as seen in the internet images), but it'll still probably be a bit of a shock for people who don't like blood. :P
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