Morrowind Easter Egg - M'Aiq the Liar

There is a Kajiit in Morrowind named "M'Aiq the Liar", he will tell you a series of information, some of which are true, but most of which are lies. I will get to that later, but first how to find him.

Please note that the following information I have gathered by either finding it out myself or from my research of this character. You may visit for more details and the original source for some of this information.

First, go to the town of Dagon Fel in the northern part of Vvardenfell (check the map that came with the game). Next, swim or water-walk over to a small island just east of Dagon Fel. There you will find M'Aiq the Liar. When you first talk to him he will not give you any information, simply talk to him once more and he has all sorts of things to say.

These things include, how to become a lich, where to find dragons, his opinion about horses, where to find nude characters or liches, his opinion on rope climbing, and information about weresharks. All of these I have already mentioned are either just his opinions or plain lies.

What I find as the most interesting thing he says is if you ask him about "Multiplayer". He replies, "M'Aiq does not know this word. You wish others to help you in your quest? Coward! If you must, search for the Argonian Im-Leet, or perhaps the big Nord, Rolf the Uber. They will certainly wish to join you." The name Im'Leet and Rolf the Uber are both a nod to typical hacker names (i.e. Leet = L33t, Uber = Uberh4x0r). Rolf is also a name that was once originally for the 'generic dude' in roleplaying games, first appearing in the Pools of Radiance AD&D game. Also note that multiplayer is not possible in the game, so this too is a lie.

One true thing he tells you is that talking mudcrabs do, in fact, exist in the game. One particular mudcrab trader who lives on a small island southeast of Mzahnch, a ruin northeast of Vivec.

As one last note, I found out that a lot of these things he tells you about were suggested before the game was released, but ended up not to be included.

User Rating:
  8.1/10 with 48 votes
Contributed By: Kake on 08-16-2004
Reviewed By: Boneho Chane, ConCor
Special Requirements: Morrowind, and a PC or X-BOX to play it.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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mortis writes:
Actually, Mike...sorry, M'aiq ;-) has one VERY usefull information - the Shrine of Boetiah. You should be able to find it by his instructions-it's indeed underwater. If you click on the head of Boetiah's destroyed statue, the Daedra lord will give you a quest rewarded by Goldbrand, a splendid golden katana.
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Sabbit writes:
As if this wasn't my favorite game series already.. Bethesda is my uberluff. ^.^
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mattoon360 writes:
There are also some pretty interesting mods based on the lies this guy tells you that make them true. Go here to check them out---
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