Futurama Easter Egg - Guy from the Simpsons

Watch the episode 'A Fishfull Of Dollars' (where Fry confronts Mom).
If you look closely at the can of anchovies, the fisherman from The Simpsons is on the can.

User Rating:
  5.3/10 with 112 votes
Contributed By: Killjoy on 11-23-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: eyes and a TV with cable (or the first series on DVD)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Hazard Edge writes:
I got that episode on tape, im gonna pay attention to it next time I watch it. And pay no attention to that mean dude, thanx for catchin that info guy!
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Monkey Zee writes:
This guy looks nothing like the fisherman from the Simpsons (Captain McAllister) this guys beard is the wrong color and he is thinner the only thing they have in common is that they both are sailors - this is like saying professor farnsworth is like professor frink 'cos they are both strange scientist types.
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pat writes:
Krusty the Clown (or a look-alike) appears in an early episode (probably the garbage ball one)
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Mariano writes:
I think not. The guy is thinner than the captain of the Simpsons. But his skin is as yellow as Simpsons character's skins.
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Darth Anikan writes:
OR, MAYBE Futrama takes place in the future of the Simpsons, I know, I'm not to bright.
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KoRnKiDeaD writes:
i really do have to pay attention next time....but i think it does look like the character from The Simpsons....
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brooza writes:
It looks nothing like him. Go to: http://www.gotfuturama.com/cgi-bin/imageview.cgi?/Multimedia/FrameGrabs/1ACV06/Grabs/pic00293.jpg to see it.
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