Spider-Man 2 Easter Egg - Evil Dead Mysterio

Play through the game as normal until you get to the Mysterio rescue mission inside the burning theater.

As you swing around rescuing civillians, one of the phrases used by Mysterio whilst he is taunting you is "Klaatu, Barada, Nikto" Which just happens to be the magic words that must be used to take the book of the dead in Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness.

He actually says the phrase around three minutes into the rescue mission (usually when you are halfway through rescuing the reporters)

Typical Sam Raimi Reference!

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  7.0/10 with 13 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 07-17-2004
Reviewed By: Boneho Chane, ConCor
Special Requirements: Copy of the Spider-Man 2 game, hearing
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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BazatronX writes:
Those words actually originate from a film called 'Day the Earth Stood Still' abount an alien invasion. The words are a command to the humanoid alien's robot companion, Gort, to cease defensive action. = Two references for the price of one!
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Cari writes:
IMHO "Klaatu Barata Nikto", as sometimes it is written, is a reference to the movie "The Day The Earth Stood Still" by Robert Wise 1951, cited by The Army of Darkness.
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moose88 writes:
He also says (after you defeat him) "Make your time!" a reference to an old sega game, ZERO WING, which was a game from japan with bad translations (ex: All your base are belong to us!")
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Also, in the Star Wars movies, there is a race called the Nikto, and a subspecies within that race is called the Klaatu Barada Nikto.
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Picco writes:
JEEZ people! Get it right! In Army of Darkness the incantaion is Kaltu Virata Nictu! Virata with a V as in VOID or VENOM!
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daunrealist writes:
Picco, heck no it wasn't.
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Actually,if ya wanna get technical about it,the wording and correct spelling is Clatu Verada Nicto. Not Nictu.
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cos-moo writes:
When you have to defeat him at the Statue of Liberty, he says, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...so that I can enslave them!" which is an altered poem engraved in the statue. The real poem is "so that they can be set free..." or something like that.
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He also says an All Your Base reference. He says "You have no chance to survive, make your time."
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AshCambell writes:
also the person who says that in evil dead is Ash who is played by bruce cambell who is the narrator for the game and he is the bouncer in the 2'nd movie and the wrestler announcer in the first. he's also the waiter in the third one.
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