Star Trek: Elite Force 2 Easter Egg - The Green Monkey

On the attreksian levels there is a point where a woman escorts you to the entrance to the sewer system to find other survivors. you may notice that on your way there as you enter a corridor after the woman, there is a door to your right with a keypad lock. To get the code go back to the street and behind some crates there is an isodesium container. Blow this up and it will clear the crates. Look through the hole you just blasted and there is a room. you can see o the wall a 9 digit code. Use this to enter the locked door. Inside the room you unlock there is a picture of a green monkey with writing below it: The monkey is not amused. I found it funny. it must be joke from 1 of the programmers. I could not remember the key code you can get it from these instuctions. I also do not know if this works on any other platform of the game.

User Rating:
  8.3/10 with 3 votes
Contributed By: Salibaba on 07-11-2004
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster, Boneho Chane
Special Requirements: PC version of Star Trek:Elite Force 2
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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CheapAlert writes:
Perhaps Bobo the Seal (one of the Ritual crew at the time) wanted to show his love for his goblins/monkeys/fat blokes somehow.
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